Paranoid Nations LO30110

From: Alan Cotterell (
Date: 04/17/03

Replying to LO30093 --

I wouldn't say the US is as paranoid as it was during the 'cold war'.
Back then we had two or three very paranoid superpowers, who exploited
paranoia to the utmost.

What disturbs me is the use of the word 'evil' where, I suggest the word
'insanity' is probably more appropriate. Also the reversion to religeous
based 'morals', where a scientific based 'ethics' is more appropriate.
Are we reverting to a situation where 'my religeon is better than yours' ?

I'm surprised a new 'Joe McCarthy' hasn't arisen in the US, to start
persecuting people for their preferences. Perhaps it's Dubya, however I
think all in all, he has probably taken the most efficient path towards
democracy for Iraq. Perhaps the end justifies the means.

Best Regards,
Alan Cotterell


"Alan Cotterell" <>

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