Future of the Arts in a Mixed Capitalist Economy LO30629

From: Alan Cotterell (acottere@bigpond.net.au)
Date: 10/02/03

Replying to LO30597 --

Dear At and Bill,

I responded twice previously to this post, however I have now had time to
put a bit further thought into the subject of responding to music. On the
complexity forum, I suggested that a paradigm shift might be the only
'cure' for schizophrenia. And that schizoprenia/manic depressive illness
are a similar spectrum to the 'normal', but a shift away from 'reality'.

I believe the composer Rachmaninov was schizophrenic, and that in leter
life he had a final breakdown, and was 'cured'. Apparently he wrote no
further beautiful music.

I've seen a couple of compact discs of this composer's work, however I was
too miserable to buy them and investigate whether they were radically
different from those of other composers of his period.

It would be interesting to see if his work induced a high level of
cognitive dissonance.

Perhaps you have more experience in this area. I'd welcome your opinions.

Best Regards,
Alan Cotterell


Alan Cotterell <acottere@bigpond.net.au>

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