Experimentation on creating a Learning Entity (1 year) LO30743

From: Andrew, QuaSyLaTic (andrew@360q.com)
Date: 10/31/03

Learning Organization is still an attractive subject after so many years.

However there are still many ? in the implementation.

IMHO, there are 4 elements that are essential to grow the seed of a
learning entity, namely

 a) Intrinsic motivation of the people
 b) Acquiring appropriate sets of theories, tools and skills
 c) Designing an learning environment in daily practice.
 d) Application to real business issues to see intended results being

A new experimentation is being carried out, i.e. a group of people
have the intrinsic motivation to learn a subject, now is the challenge
of above b) c) and d).

The experimentation is as per


Your comments are most welcome


Andrew, QuaSyLaTic

[Host's Note: From the link above, it appears that Andrew's experiment
is a course in technical analysis for investing. Andrew, I hope you'll
let us know your conclusions about learning. ..Rick]


"Andrew, QuaSyLaTic" <andrew@360q.com>

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