Rick's Theory of Organizational Learning LO30814

From: R.S. Webster (dikweb@yahoo.com)
Date: 11/25/03

Replying to LO30805 --

[Host's Note: I'm re-distributing Dick Webster's msg below. Sorry, but
I had it a bit mangled the first time. ..Rick]

LO Colleagues -

I agree with Genene's point -- harking back to McGregor's Theory X
about people wanting to do a good job; the (almost) universal success
of "creative ideas" processes, and other related evidence.

Rather than "shallowness," I would propose "busyness," the pressure of
too much information, too much work, inadequate knowledge / learning
resources and expectations from those imbued with "training" values
and practices (SO different than those for "learning").

How do colleagues view this aspect?

Happy T'giving. to all, best - Dick Webster

Richard S. Webster, Ph.D.

Principal, Abintra LLC [Delivering ideas process
tools, making continual
improvement effective, fast, and fun. Web site "under
construction" at <www.AbintraLLC.com>]

709 Wesley Court - Worthington OH 43085-3558
eMail <webster.1@osu.edu>, tel 614-433-7144, fax

Remember: Ideas are the start of it all -- for
creativity, innovation, constructive change. "Change
is not required, survival is not mandatory" (W.
Edwards Deming).

PS - Yahoo eMail address works, OSU eMail address is

--- gkoebelin@yahoo.com wrote:
> Replying to LO30797 --
> Regarding your statement that people "wallow in
> shallowness," this is
> not reflective of my experience. I have found that
> most people are
> just waiting for someone to listen to them, and that
> they care a lot
> more than they are given credit for. All I've ever
> had to do is ask.
> I find it important to trust what is known about
> teamwork and synergy,
> and to believe that, together, a group has the
> capacity to give you
> the answers you are seeking.
> Genene Koebelin
> gkoebelin@yahoo.com


"R.S. Webster" <dikweb@yahoo.com>

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