Another Dangerous Virus LO30923

From: Edward Rogosky (
Date: 02/02/04

Replying to LO30917 --

You know, we might use this e-mail problem to draw us into a systems
thinking piece about not merely the how? but the why?

Why is Microsoft targeted? Why SCO in America?
Are these people the 21st Century form of Luddites? or Sabot-throwers? Why?

Better yet, why aren't more people protected by anti-virus? firewalled
computers? What does this say about the computer users' thinking
behind the Internet?

Apple's operating system is not safer, it is just less utilized by
business and industry and commerce. Linux fits into the same
catagory. What is this virus, as is true of many others, really an
attack upon?

Rev. E.W. Rogosky

[Host's Note: Although Apple and Linux do have an advantage because
they have lower market share, they are also more difficult to attack
because they have a much different security model than Windows. On
Windows, one wrong click and you are infected. On Mac or Linux,
another layer of authorization is required, even from an Admin
account. My question is why would Microsoft create such an ineffective
security model for an operating system for millions of networked
computers? .. Rick


"Edward Rogosky" <>

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