Social Ills and Systems Thinking LO30932

From: Andrew, QuaSyLaTic (
Date: 02/04/04

Replying to LO30921 --

Dear DP Dash

Thank you for sharing your views on my article
"Malaysia: Rape, Reaction, and Systems Thinking"

I hope to continue our sharing of our possibly different mental models
at work .....

You wrote :

>"However, there is a set of issues that have arises subsequently for me ...

>What is a better way to deal with rape and such other violence? Or, what is a
more systemic way to deal with violence in society? "

My mental model works differently as I do not see rape or violence as
the issues, but they are symptoms and manifestation of the current
system participated by all parties concerned.

Hence I am not looking at the root causes (or cause & effect) of rape
or violence as that is attended to by many well-intention people or
rather I call fire-fighters.

I am looking at the many emergent symptoms so far happening : rape,
murder, road accidents, corruptions, business / economic performance
and many more issue that may appear daily in the newspapers, today and

I am curious about the many different efforts, reaction and action to
the many things will produce what types of pattern of behavior that
may continue to produce the similar or more intensified symptoms that
set us into another round of action and reaction, and produce another
vicious circle.

For example, assuming we achieved the situation as per your solution
"Improve prosperity in the society, invest in job creation in the
hinterlands, improve economic position of women in society, allow free
and respectful interaction among boys and girls, provide safe and
socially non-disruptive sexual outlets for boys and girls," in what
way will "improved prosperity in the society" give rise to another
more sickening and sophisticated social ills (reflect on such
incidents in advanced countries), "improve economic position of women
in society" in what way will such attainment may create a conflict
with the traditional role of woman as providing quality relationship
with children at home. Basically "today solution leading to tomorrow

On my part, and in a small way, I work on a model which focuses on
appropriate knowledge and skills and similar to a few virtual
community sites I set up

e.g. (a new site)
(On investment knowledge and skills using systems thinking)


I look forward to your "I have explored this approach on traffic
accident problems. The results are interesting."


Andrew, QuaSyLaTic


"Andrew, QuaSyLaTic" <>

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