Ubuntu? LO30962

From: Jan Lelie (janlelie@wxs.nl)
Date: 12/10/03

Dear Garth,

Don replied to a mail from me with this link that i also liked -
that's why i replied to it. The nice thing about using the word person
and not human (being) is that person comes from "through sound": a
human being is a creature from the earth, while a person becomes a
person through (meaningful, verbal) interaction. One needs a (human)
being to start with, so perhaps: "a person is a human through other
persons" might create even more paradoxical tension and recursion."A
person is a human through other 'humans through other person's".

I do assume however that a every human is prewired, preconditioned or
presdestined to become or perhas better, to develop a person. This
proces of individuation - also a strange loop: becoming undividable -
needs others to unfold and is as well personal as communal (is that an
English word?)l.

I do not know your clients but could advise you to start from your
clients reality perception (= their mental models, maps) and make
inquiries about their (i wrote there, that's the right sound but the
wrong spelling) ideas, feelings, opinions or principles regarding
people, human beings, persons and individuals.

Kind regards,


Garth Johnston wrote:

> From the e-mail headings I'm not quite sure whether the ubuntu link
> came from you or Don. No matter, it got me hyped because of the
> connection with work I'm doing with the developing art and science of
> networks. An article from Science, " Social Insect Networks" 9/26/03,
> while analyzing network interactions implications for insect and
> humans, concludes,
> "We are each others social environment." Which sounds a lot like "a
> person is a person through other persons."
> I wonder how open my clients will be to learning from a high school
> social science curriculum?
> Garth


Drs J.C. Lelie (Jan, MSc MBA) facilitator mind@work

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