Interview with Richard T Pascale LO31077

From: Don Dwiggins (
Date: 05/02/04

Replying to LO31060 --

Fred Nickols writes:
> There is an excellent interview with Richard T Pascale at the link below...


Now that it's May, there's a different fellow in the spotlight. To get
to the Pascale interview, go to the above link, choose "Previous
Issues" from the left side menu, then 2004 under "Spotlight Interviews
& Articles", and then the link to the interview under April 2004.
(I'd post the URL, but it's a long one and would probably get trashed.
Besides, this gives you the chance to browse... 8^)

[Host's Note: Ah... That's the problem with transitory links. The right
way to do such a web site has a "perma-link" that one can copy and
paste. Thanks, Don, but the update. ..Rick]


Don Dwiggins "We shall not cease from exploration, and the end of all our exploration will be to arrive where we started and know the place for the first time." -- T.S.Elliot

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