Design principle in LO? LO13934

Neil Kelly (
Thu, 12 Jun 97 20:38:52

Replying to LO13863 --

In response to JC Wandemberg's question, "what is the design

1. if design refers to the rationale for selection and organisation of
critical elements, then the five disciplines outlined by Senge are design

2. if design means the structure of the end result, then any response will
be ipsitive. ie. substantiating the existence of a principle through the
act of interpretation, ie.

form fits function - the learning organisation is adaptive, noting that an
organisational "form" or structure is (always) embedded in the flow of
information, in a learning organisation the information channels are
adaptable, which facilitate the re-formation necessary to adapt to
emergent functional requirements. It thus represents actualisation of

less is more - (I'll leave this to someone else)

neil kelly
feral thinker
They sentenced me to twenty years of boredom
for trying to change the system from within.
- Leonard Cohen.


"Neil Kelly" <>

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