Innovations in OJT LO13956

Jeanne Baer (
Fri, 13 Jun 1997 17:05:57 -0500 (CDT)

Is your organization experiencing a resurgence of interest in structured,
systematic On-the-Job Training? Are you trying some innovative approaches
to peer training? If so, I'd like to hear from you!

I'm making a 45-minute presentation next month to my ASTD chapter and the
public, on the topic of "Innovations in OJT," and I'd be happy to tell
others about your success!

In the reading and listening I've done so far, I've learned about creative
new approaches to OJT being taken by Disney World, TJ Maxx, Toyota,
several Canadian companies, and nearly EVERY company (it seems) in

But I'm still collecting success stories, and I'd love to share yours with
this list, and with my colleagues.

(After the presentation, I'll be conducting my half-day workshop, "On-
Target OJT." Although I design and deliver training on a number of topics,
OJT is the most popular at this time -- companies in all industries are
getting RE-excited about the world's oldest training method!)

If you'd like to post to me personally, I'll summarize to the whole list
mid-July. Thanks, in advance, for your story!
Jeanne Baer, President
Creative Training Solutions
1649 South 21st Street
Lincoln, Nebraska 68502
(402) 475-1127
(800) 410-3178


Jeanne Baer <>

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