Simulation and Object Technology LO14012

Neil Kelly (
Tue, 17 Jun 97 19:31:22

Replying to LO13865 --

Simulation and Object Technology LO13865

I have been using various BPR paradigms as meta-models for organisation
design and development consulting and exploring the applicability of
workflow and BPR software as an enabler of the learning organisation (in
specific contexts).

The BPR world is anathema to my value systems and to my consulting work,
but the "stuff" is extemely useful. As a knowledge base it is systematic,
disciplined, highly rational and organised - most unlike the real world.
I think that the unsoundness of BPR will be revealed by the market. But,
lets not throw the baby out with the bathwater.

As a business philosophy and management system, the Learning Org is simply
more sound. I am confident that business performance case studies will
reveal this in due course (if not already). Maybe a collection of case
studies is appropriate.

In the meantime I intend to continue appropriating, re-contextualising and
where necessary subverting BPR and anything else that is useful.

Cheerio, Neil Kelly - feral thinker and idea snatcher

nothing succeeds like a budgie without a beak


"Neil Kelly" <>

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