Systemic Causes of Kids at Risk LO14026

Sat, 21 Jun 1997 15:45:42, -0500

I was a "listener" in a conversation the other day with a group of people
on an education foundation board. They were discussing "kids at risk" and
cause(s) of this social issue. One suggested conducting a teacher's
survey or having a teacher's forum to probe further into understanding the
causes, with the assumption teachers close to kids at risk would have a
good understanding of the causes.

I am a rookie in the education field and am just beginning to get involved
in my community's education system. I am wondering if there are common,
nation-wide systemic causes for kids at risk that have already been
identified and published somewhere.

Any information on this issue (insights, research references, etc) would
be appreciated. Thanks in advance.


Geof Fountain

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