Intro -- Felix Abednego LO14310

Abednego (
Sat, 12 Jul 1997 16:02:57 +0700

Dear colleagues,

Greetings. My name is Felix Abednego. I work as training and library
coordinator of Nutrifood Indonesia, a company specialized in beverages and
dietetic product manufacturing. Right now we are in process of becoming an
Investor in People.

My upcoming project is to set up a corporate learning laboratory. I am
inspired by Stewart's book "Intellectual Capital" and Senge's "The Fifth
Discipline". I do believe that we must build the company to be more
"learning-friendly" to cope with the changes in the future. That is the
reason I join this mailing list, and I wish to learn about how knowledge
management in another company, especially in the form of learning lab.

If any member of this mailing list are willing to share their experiences
and research in managing a learning lab, I would be very grateful. It will
enhance the practices that we do now.

I am looking forward to receiving your suggestions!
Felix Abednego <>
PT Nutrifood Indonesia
Rawabali II/3, Pulogadung
Jakarta 13260, Indonesia


Abednego <>

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