Diversity LO14438

Gray Southon (gsouthon@ozemail.com.au)
Tue, 22 Jul 1997 07:09:49 +1000 (EST)

Replying to LO14422 --

Your story is fascinating and brings out many issues.

However, there is one thing that screams at me that you did not comment on.

That is the staff were told to take initiative, but expected to conform.

Many thanks for the story.

Gray Southon
Gray Southon
Consultant in Health Management Research and Analysis
15 Parthenia St., Caringbah, NSW 2229, Australia
Ph/Fax +61 2 9524 7822, mobile +61 414 295 328
e-mail gsouthon@ozemail.com.au
Web Page: http://www.ozemail.com.au/~gsouthon/


Gray Southon <gsouthon@ozemail.com.au>

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