Punished by Rewards LO14582

William J. Hobler, Jr (bhobler@worldnet.att.net)
Thu, 31 Jul 1997 12:32:00 -0400

Replying to LO14554 --

Mnr AM de Lange observed that;

>But what you have written, has also a very dark side to it.

Agreed. Every leadership skill or technique can be used to achieve
horrible outcomes. The most glaring example of how to push the buttons of
people I know is Adolf Hitler. To me, it is absolutely scary to see his
effect on millions of his supporters.

We on this list have been through discussions of what must be done to
prevent the misuse of leadership. It is that whenever it is recognized,
the people being led must protest and refuse to be led in that misuse. We
in America have not been very good at this with respect to our
governments. We are apathetic -- and we are less advanced socially and
civilly because of this apathy.

You need not look farther than your country for misuse of leadership and I
need not look farther than mine. We both need to work to advance both.
This realism is both saddening and hopeful.

Best regards,


"William J. Hobler, Jr" <bhobler@worldnet.att.net>

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