Are Humans Resources? LO15762
Wed, 12 Nov 1997 13:42:19 +0000

Replying to LO15719 --

"Sparking" from LO15719!

Richard Scherberger wrote:

>I believe that when we treat people as resources that's when the trouble
>begins. We typically use up our resources...expend them...and when that
>happens to people,...oh, well. I prefer to think of it in a different
>way...we are people with resources (gifts and talents)...

For me, this thought relates at the individual level to how
Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) seems to think about resources. (Note:
I am still conciously incompetent in this area)

Resources in NLP are the skills, experiences, emotional states and more
conventional resources (money, time, information) that humans can use to
get, (and not get) what they want. In this context new resources can even
be created by humans calling upon past experiences to learn from.

Individual humans have the resources. They are not in themselves
Resources They do though have the "resource", of being "resourceful" and
"resource-less" in a particular situation.

Looked at from this viewpoint, organisations and communities would perhaps
get more of what they want (if they know what this is), if they used a
concept of "Human Resource Enablement" than "Human Resource Management".

Enablement for me expresses the processes and environments that unlock
individual and group human potential, which when aligned with the aims of
an organisation or community should create a resourceful, dynamic,
learninge environment.

I am interested in how individuals, including myself, can do this
themselves for the benefit of themselves, their organisation and




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