For Readers of LO msgs LO15959

Richard Karash (
Sun, 23 Nov 1997 12:20:50 -0500 (EST)

Replying to LO15321 --

Greetings -- This is a periodic info posting for people reading

First of all, "Listeners" are always welcome here! There is absolutely no
requirement to send msgs to the list. And, you are most welcome to
contribute when and if you feel moved. Enjoy!

1) How to get the "info file" about learning-org
2) How to spread the word
3) How to leave the list (either temporarily or permanently)
4) Whom to contact if any problems
5) Is there an archive? an index?
6) My role as host

1) How to get the "info file" about learning-org
For information on Learning-Org -- the internet discussion of the
Learning Organization --

Via the Web, the URL is <>

Or, email our faithful robot,

The subject line is ignored; begin your msg with these two

info learning-org

If you have trouble, please *forward* whatever indicates that there is a
problem to me, your host Richard Karash <>

2) How to spread the word
Please copy the few lines in #1 above and pass them on to anyone
interested. Please do not give someone just the list address -- that's
*only* for msgs to be distributed. (When people send "subscribe" requests
to the list address, they fail and it's extra work for me. Please help me
avoid these.)

3) How to leave the list (either temporarily or permanently)
The *first* step is to determine whether you are on the regular list or
the digest list. The subscriber base is kept separately, and if you send
your request for the wrong list, you'll get back "Sorry, you're not on
the list..."

To leave the learning-org list send email to

The subject line is ignored. In the body of the message
unsubscribe learning-org

If you're on the digest list, then

...instead of learning-org (don't forget the hyphen before "digest"!)

Problems? Please email your host Richard Karash <>

4) Whom to contact if any problems
Email me anytime with comments, questions or problems.

5) Is there an archive? an index?
Yes, there's an archive. Complete instructions are in the info file (see
#1 above). The best way to see archived msgs is with a Web browser, and
the URL is

You can participate fully from the web, both reading and authoring msgs;
some people may prefer this instead of the usual email subscription.

Many of our messages are indexed in the Lycos and AltaVista catalogs of
the Web, but these indexes are not very current for our material.

6) My Role as Host
I review all msgs for relevance to the list and for tone consistent with
the learning organization principles we are trying to live. I make minor
changes for format, consistent Subject lines, etc., but I do not change
people's words. In distributing msgs, I am NOT endorsing the content as
being "correct," valid or helpful.

I hope you're enjoying the learning-org list!

-- Rick

      Richard Karash ("Rick")    |  <>
  Speaker, Facilitator, Trainer  |     email:
"Towards learning organizations" | Host for Learning-Org Mailing List
(617)227-0106, fax (617)523-3839 |   <>

Learning-org -- An Internet Dialog on Learning Organizations For info: <> -or- <>