Compuserve Subscribers are Back LO16659

Richard Karash (
Sat, 24 Jan 1998 09:41:37 -0500 (EST)

You may have noticed some missing voices over the past month.

Our mail stopped reaching Compuserve subscribers in mid-December and has
only been restored in the last couple of days. (The Digest continued to go
through, but not regular subscriptions.)

First, welcome back readers on compuserve!

Here's the story, as I see it: SPAM (unwanted junk email) has become a
large problem on the net. With complaints from their users, Compuserve put
a filter in their mail system to block incoming msgs that appeared to be
SPAM. Their method unintentionally blocked incoming mail from the
learning-org list. Compuserve (as a result of the price competition for
internet service) is so short of funds for customer service that it was
impossible for Alan Mossman, Rol Fessenden, and I, to get through to
anyone who could understand the problem and find the Compuserve staff
maintaining the filter program. Customer service in the UK did finally
work on this based on Alan's inquiry and fixed the filter. For now.

The same thing occured a few months ago with Compuserve and back then it
also took a month to get fixed.

For all readers: If you don't receive our mail for more than a couple of
days, there is probably a problem at your end. Check first on our web site
or with another subscriber to see if there are current msgs (URL below).
If so, inquire with your tech support or customer service or write me.
Just understand that if there *is* a problem at our end, I won't be able
to reply.

Also, note that if mail to you is returned as non-deliverable for a few
days, your address is removed from the LO list; to come back, resubscribe.

-- Rick

      Richard Karash ("Rick")    |  <>
  Speaker, Facilitator, Trainer  |     email:
"Towards learning organizations" | Host for Learning-Org Mailing List
(617)227-0106, fax (617)523-3839 |   <>

Learning-org -- Hosted by Rick Karash <> Public Dialog on Learning Organizations -- <>