Employee Ranking Systems LO17098

John Constantine (rainbird@trail.com)
Thu, 19 Feb 1998 07:26:54 -0700

Replying to LO17062 --

In response to Ben's comments re Microsoft,

Because MS uses ranking may have nothing at all to do with its "success",
and the same holds true for their use of internal competition. You simply
don't know WHAT goes in the mix, and how much better off MS would be if
they looked elsewhere to improve their system. Seems we are using the
almighty dollar as the grand arbiter in this discussion. I don't think
that offers much promise for the true learning organization.

On a scale, IMV, because of the two items mentioned, MS is at the lower
end of the LO successes, not the top. How much better might it become

Ben Compton wrote:

> Microsoft uses employee ranking quite successfully. They also use internal
> competition to improve their performance.
> I wonder why we don't refer to Microsoft as an example of what a Learning
> Org can become?



John Constantine Rainbird Management Consulting PO Box 23554 Santa Fe, NM 87502-3554 Rainbird@Trail.Com http:\\www.trail.com/~rainbird

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