Employee Ranking Systems LO17664

Srinath Srinivasa (srinaths@lotus.iitm.ernet.in)
Mon, 6 Apr 1998 13:46:08 +0530 (IST)

Replying to LO17654 --

Ben Compton writes:

>"A person who is non-productive and who is not competent, but who remains
>employed is an immoral person."

Dr. Steve Eskow replies:

>"A person who is non-productive and who is not competent but remains
>employed is a member of a "learning organization" which wants to help him
>learn rather than fire him."

I would like to make a small change in the above definitions--

"A person who is non-productive and who is not competent but remains
employed, provides an opportunity for a "learning organization" to examine
its own values with that of the person and possibly transform both in the

Warm Regards


Srinath Srinivasa <srinaths@lotus.iitm.ernet.in>

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