Unconscious Competence LO17739

MargMcI (MargMcI@aol.com)
Mon, 13 Apr 1998 00:24:28 EDT

Replying to LO17728 --

In a message dated 4/12/98 10:33:10 PM, David Hurst wrote:

>Does anyone know the history of this 2X2 diagram or of anyone who has used
>it extensively?

Somewhere I might have a reference to the origins of this matrix. If no
one else responds, let me know and I will try to dig it up. I've known
about it for many moons/years!

I also use it as a reference in my consulting work a lot. I'm not sure
exactly what you're interested in when you ask about anyone using it

Are you familiar with Fernando Flores' Education paper? He refers to a
scale of blind to beginner to virtuoso which I think covers a similar path
to the matrix you refer to. He was the first to introduce me to
Maturana's thinking about embodied learning. I think this is all related
stuff. Currently, I'm studying with Richard Heckler who works with people
to create embodied learning. It's been powerful for me.

I'd love to pursue this conversation more if you could elaborate more on
your thinking, concerns and research questions.


Margaret McIntyre
Atlanta, GA


MargMcI <MargMcI@aol.com>

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