Leadership definitions LO17787

Scott Simmerman (SquareWheels@compuserve.com)
Wed, 15 Apr 1998 15:23:50 -0400

Replying to LO17762 --

Gene Taurman has once again offered up some useful ideas -- I guess I save
as many of his posts as I do of anyone! in Leadership definitions
LO17762, he discussed 7 or 12 steps in leadership, and discusses
alignment, encouragement, structure and the like.

In reading it, though, my framework and experience would also include a
bit more on "engagement." At least in my experience, the best leaders
generally engaged and enlisted me in the activity itself.

This involvement is a core motivator for me (and apparently many others)
and drives the ownership often needed to get things done.

I'm not all that engaged by being TOLD what to do and would rather have an
"equity" piece of the action.

Gene works around it this, but I thought to add it directly to his post.

After all, "Nobody ever washes a rental car!"

BTW, I have posted my MAIN list of quotes on the new website. There are
also a bunch of new articles (even a "grind" page of my rantings and
ravings about poor customer service or unfair treatment received by big
companies. Makes me feel like I've gained back a little ground!).

There are also some good links to resources -- if anyone wants me to link
to their page, let me know. I've become quite the webmeister in my own
little way,

For the Fun of It!

Scott J. Simmerman SquareWheels@compuserve.com Performance Management Company <http://www.squarewheels.com>

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