Facilitating Children LO17862

Mnr AM de Lange (amdelange@gold.up.ac.za)
Thu, 23 Apr 1998 17:00:02 GMT+2

Replying to LO17838 --

Dear Organlearners,

John Dicus <jdicus@ourfuture.com> writes:

> In a few weeks I'm going to facilitate a group of youngsters ranging in
> age from, say, 10-18 -- about 25-30 of them. There will be some adults
> mixed in as well.


> When I think of LO in education, I see a lot of issues that deal with
> the institution, itself, that enables children to learn. But now I'm
> wondering about the children themselves.
> Any suggestions would be appreciated.

John, I can give you a learned exposition here on the Psychology as
well as the Education of the Addoloscent. But it will take time and I
will only be repeating what you can find for yourself in books.
Before you meet these kids, you have to study a book on the
Psychology of the Adolescent and a book on the Education of the
Adolescent to refresh your memory. There are some fine books avaibale
on these topics, given our present paradigms.

But I sense in your last sentence "But now I'm wondering about the
children themselves" something much deeper.

Do not try to transfer these kids into our grooves because in less
than an hour you will have lost them into the grave of indifference.

The consciousness of their generation differs very much from
our generation's present consciousness and and that of our own
teenage years. Knowledge has four levels, from bottom to top:
experiential level, tacit level, formal level and sapient (wise)
level.. Since their experiences are vastly different form ours, their
tacit knowledges differ also. Thus our objectification (artistic,
scientific, linguistic) of our own tacit knowledge into the formal
level will differ from theirs, eventhough they still have only
entered that phase.

Rather help them to objectifate their own tacit knowledge. Thus they
will make themselves passionate. Also show great appreciation for
their any sapient knowledge (their teenage wisdom).

Best wishes


At de Lange Gold Fields Computer Centre for Education University of Pretoria Pretoria, South Africa email: amdelange@gold.up.ac.za

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