Competition LO17892

Jason Smith (
Mon, 27 Apr 1998 04:50:38 -0700 (PDT)

Replying to LO17875 --

In LO17869,---Ben Compton <> wrote:
> It sounds like you're proposing a type of thinking that moves away from
> the categorization and integration approach, and seeking for some middle
> ground. That's an interesting idea. . .but I don't see, right off the top
> of my head, how such an approach increases either the clarity with which I
> interpret the world, or how it improves my ability to interact with that
> world on a day to day basis.
> Any help?

There is a way to look at reality that doesn't take categorizations on
with the seriousness that is common. Yes, they play an important role in
understanding reality. However, they also contribute to some
misunderstandings of reality that make for considerable mental discomfort.

Because we see the world as made up of things, we crave for things, we
hate other things, we worry about things. If reality is seen in a
non-dual (thingless) frame, these mental discomforts go away. Fewer of
these mental discomforts definately translates into a happier and
healthier interaction with the world.

Jason Smith


Jason Smith <>

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