Competing, cooperating and morality LO18256

Simon Buckingham (
Tue, 2 Jun 1998 20:53:38 +0100

Replying to LO18243 --

This is truth! I really agree with Ghandhi's list and thank you for
sharing it. If only it were as easy to list the positive virtues! Even
when looking hard for positives, it seems so much easier to be critical
than praise-worthy especially when talking about customer service around
the world.

regards simon buckingham (in Budapest, Hungary)

-----Original Message-----
From: Jess D. McConnell <>

>Violence Springs from 7 Blunders [root causes]
>- Wealth without Work,
>- Pleasure without Conscience,
>- Knowledge without Character,
>- Commerce without Morality,
>- Science without Humanity,
>- Worship without Sacrifice,
>- Politics without Principle.
> - Gandi


"Simon Buckingham" <>

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