Empowerment LO18316

Leslie Lax (leslax@cnx.net)
Mon, 8 Jun 1998 22:22:06 -0700

Replying to LO18296 --

I have a tough time thinking of my being able to empower anyone else. I
have been engaged in a number of participatory learning processes, and
empowerment for me is helping to create the space where everyone,
including myself is able to act to the best of our abilities. I really do
not believe it can be given. If we empower someone, we have wielded the
power to help them take on more. But, we still hold the power. If I
empower someone else. by diminishing my own power, then that is a false
empowerment. If empowerment occurs through both growing together, I
believe we have true empowerment. Empowerment is something that others
(and oneself) take up for themselves.

An active position from a committed cooperant :-)


"Leslie Lax" <leslax@cnx.net>

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