What are the key MANAGERIAL Competencies? LO18543

Atlan, Daniel (Atlan@compuserve.com)
Sun, 28 Jun 1998 03:10:58 -0400

Replying to LO18481 --

On Mon, 22 Jun 1998 14:59:49 +0100 Pat French
<pat@variance.demon.co.uk> wrote:

> Are you aware of the MCI's Occupational Standards for Managers. It was
> produced before your own study (I think) but it is generic - and
> cumbersome.

> This is posted to the group as I havn't heard that anyone has done
> anything with the MCI standards. Sorry to those who get multiple
> postings. If it *is* being used for anything I would like to know.

To those interested here is the original site: Management Charter
Initiative's competencies are available at
http://www.bbi.co.uk/mci/standards/index.html where they can be downloaded
(for personal use) or ordered for professional use..

For 6 years now, we have been using managerial competencies developped in
house to train, select and assess (in the course of annual interviews)
front line managers (foremen, supervisors). My company produces steel flat
products (for car bodies, buildings, and cans).

Using compentencies referentials has helped us a lot. It gave people
involved (trainees and trainers, interviewers and interviewees alike) a
sense of fairness and stability in managing front line supervisors.
Moreover we have carreer committees in which decisons on raises and
promotions for all supervisors in a department are prepared. This gives
everyone a common language to work with.

It is true that developping compentencies referentials takes time. They
need revising every three or four years. But overall we tend to think the
effort has been worthwhile.


"Atlan, Daniel" <Atlan@compuserve.com>

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