"Not my job!" Ethic LO18957

Dale Emery (dale@dhemery.com)
Mon, 24 Aug 1998 11:23:01 -0700

Replying to LO18946 --


> That is, a task that I don't think twice about and
> hence freely delegate is viewed as a not my job by a different work ethic
> group. How does one deal with the differences between different work
> group ethics (protestant, existential, pragmatic and generation X) and yet
> still apply general leadership rules?

Make contact with the person. You are dealing with a human being, not a
work ethic or a generation.

Here is a general leadership rule: Be here, now, with these people.



Dale H. Emery -- Collaborative Consultant High Performance for Software Development Projects E-mail: dale@dhemery.com Web: http://www.dhemery.com

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