Unconscious Competence LO19499

Soren R. Nymark (srn@business.auc.dk)
Tue, 13 Oct 1998 11:57:45 +0100

Replying to LO19455 --

In relation to the unconscious incompetence through to unconscious
competence four-stage model of skill development, I know of a couple of
references in which the model is described in detail. The problem is that
they are only in Danish and French but hopefully knowing the authors might
lead to finding some texts in English for those who're interested.

The references are:
* Chaize, Jacques (1994), Dxren til forandring ebnes indefra. Virksomhedens
tre mutationer, Hinnerup: Ankerhus Forlag.
* Chaize, Jacques (1992), La porte du changement s'ouvre de l'intirieur. Les
trois mutations de l'entreprise, Calmann-Livy.
* Bloch, Philippe & Ralph Hababou (1991), Dinosaures et camilions, J. C.

>John Scott writes..
>Unconscious Incompetence through to Unconscious Competence is a four-stage
>model of skill development that I've seen mentioned. >Do you happen to
>have a source, or reference, that dis-cusses each of these stages that I can
>follow up on. It would be REALLY helpful


Soren R. Nymark
Aalborg University, Dept. of Business Studies
Fibigerstraede 4, 9220 Aalborg, Denmark
Tel.: +45 96358262, Fax.: +45 98153505
Email: s.nymark@iname.com
Url: http://www.business.auc.dk/~srn/

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