Relationship between creativity and learning? LO20130

Bruce Jones (
Tue, 8 Dec 1998 08:07:10 -0600

Replying to LO20109 --


This is a late post for your question. Our hospital is going through a
systems change and we have been VERY busy educating the staff in the
various aspects of their new job skills. I have also been finishing up a
paper for graduate school. My brain is on automatic and a little fried
right now.

Learning and creativity are not all inclusive. I can teach a class on
Phlebotomy or CPR or the use of an instrument but I can not force
creativity. The creativity aspect of learning derives its birth from the
experience of the job and the application of any knowledge derived from
the classroom instruction. Creativity is the product of finding better or
more comfortable or convenient ways to do the job AFTER instruction. I
used to tell my Medical Technology students that their true education
begins with their first job. That all I am teaching them is the basics
and how to find the information they may need to do whatever task is set
for them.

On the other hand, I agree with you that all creative endeavors teach.
When putting together a presentation I learn, not from the final product
but from the effort of producing that product. Any trainer can teach the
material. But not all trainers learn from the experience of putting
together that material. It takes creativity based on knowledge to produce
a lesson that is effective in changing attitude, perceptions or knowledge
levels. A good student will not always make a creative student. A
creative student will not always make a good student. The teacher,
instructor, personnel manager, corporate trainer or whoever does the
training has the challenge of mixing learning with creativity in the
classroom. This is the challenge of education, whether it be in the
classroom, the boardroom or in the field.

Thank you for your time and patience

Bruce Jones


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