Intro -- Carlos Hahn - from ECUADOR, SOUTH AMERICA LO20210

Carlos L. Hahn (
Thu, 17 Dec 1998 16:44:03 -0500


I studied Mathematics and have MS in Psychology. During the last 15 years
I have been working in Human Resources and Organizational Development and
I'm grateful of having gathered good experience in multinational and local

Since 4 years I am dedicated to Consulting. Together with our partners,
we are presently developing several models to relate all employees of a
company to the strategic objectives of the organization. It is a sort of
Balance Scorecard adapted to our local "tropical" conditions. For this we
are exploring some advanced compensation programs, based on variable
payment, as a tool for fostering continuos improvement. We have some
interesting experiences to share.

We also became one of the most well known consulting firm in Strategic
Mapping for Non-profit organizations, assisting more than 15
organizations. A special achievement was the Strategy Map for the
Industrial Sector of Ecuador, developed for the National Federation of
Chambers of Industry. They changed from a defensive and reactive
organization into one of Ecuador's most positive and influential
Association, leading the transformation of Ecuadorians Professional
Education System and the establishment of tripartite dialogue between
Unions, Government and Private Sector.

The Ecuadorian private sector and specially its industrial component is
facing serious problems due to basically four factors: lack of management
skills, difficult access to technical/commercial information, deficient
access to technological/scientifical knowledge adapted to their
possibilities and the uncompetitive environment created by the state taken
as a whole.

To oppose the Ecuadorian crisis means to work at the deepest levels of:
- Systems and rules inducing values, collective beliefs, vision of the
future, behaviors and forms of power administration;
- Mental models of their leaders and population;
- Sociopolitical and economic structures;
- The dynamic people-technology-production processes-value
- The technology for ecological utilization of natural resources

We do not have to just create a bridge between the
scientific/technological and industrial world, but also to improve the
managerial and human skills by connecting them between their producing
entities and their social environment. We are trying to improve the
operations of one sector with the end in mind of an ambitious improvement
of the general indicators of a society taken as a whole.

We offer an extraordinary field to put into practice your theses, joining
resources, talent and knowledge; a field built by the complexity,
characters and conditions which make a country -like ours- complicated
enough for a trustworthy demonstration of your theses, and small enough to
become a good pilot plan against the asystemic interventions offered by
traditional monetarystic or financial prescriptions.

Thank you all in advance,

Carlos Hahn

P.D. I am presently working on a report, which examines the use and
application of the learning organization concept for the Ecuadorian
Central Bank. One problem is that not everybody speaks or reads English.
Does somebody know about material in Spanish, that we could share with
other people down here?


"Carlos L. Hahn" <>

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