Sergio Albano (sergio_albano@ciudad.com.ar)
Sun, 10 Jan 1999 02:49:33 -0300

I make a question which I think is very important to solve critical
problems concerning traduction features.

In spanish the verb TO KNOW has two differents means. TO KNOW SOMETHING (
articulated-) and TO KNOW SOMETHING without articulated words. This is the
sense of SABER-

In french is the same : CONNAISANCE - SAVOIR.

The question is the followed:
How can I get this difference in english ? It is possible?

I am interesting in this aspect because KNOWLEDGE MANAGEMENT also
describe difference among TACIT and EXPLICIT KNOWLEDGE- In english not
exists a specific word to discriminate TACIT KNOWLEDGE and ARTICULATED
KNOWLEDGE. In spanish and french we have two differents verbs for each

Many thanks I am waiting for answer
sergio albano


"Sergio Albano" <sergio_albano@ciudad.com.ar>

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