Citing Msgs from Learning-org LO21030
Sun, 28 Mar 1999 11:55:25 EST

Replying to LO21001 --

Dear Bill:

Which format you use depends on what the journal you're writing for
requires. There are quite a few different ones, including the Modern
Language Association (MLA), American Psychological Association (APA), etc.
If you're going to be doing a number of papers, I highly recommend you
purchase the software EndNote Plus from Niles Software in Berkeley. (Look
on the web; it can be purchased more cheaply through retailers than
through the developer.) It is an electronic way of recording and indexing
your references and at the touch of a key, allows you to format them
according to any one of the major style sheets. It is an absolute
lifesaver for those of us who are inclined to be a little lax in terms of
this kind of housekeeping. I compile bibliographies in seconds now and
don't have to give hardly any time or attention to all the little details.
That's time I could better use writing!

The on-line address for Niles is

P.S. Endnote Plus works beautifully with MS Word, but also works with
Word Perfect. There wasn't a MAC version when I purchased mine about a
year ago, so if you are a MAC user, you will have to check with the
developer. Good luck.


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