Education for the Learning Organization LO21416
Wed, 28 Apr 1999 00:18:52 EDT

Replying to LO21405 --

Dear Jeff: I am just finishing my doctorate with The Fielding Institute.
I happen to be in their educational leadership and change program and will
be earning an EdD, but they have degrees in psychology and human
organization and development, as well. I have had a very good experience
with them in the educational program and there is a heavy emphasis on
systems in that program, too. If you are highly motivated and self
directed, then a distance learning program is a wonderful way to go. And
the advantage of Fielding is that you can use much of what you already do
in your professional life for the applied components of the curriculum. I
have managed to finish in a little over 2 years, in part because I took a
leave this semester so I could focus on the dissertation. Average time is
three years. Anyway, if you would like more specific feedback about
Fielding, feel free to contact me anytime. Harriett Robles


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