Teaching new ideas to an old org LO21425

Roy Benford (roy@benford.demon.co.uk)
Wed, 28 Apr 1999 16:37:29 +0100

Replying to LO21413 --

koebelin wrote:

> Kim Ridgway asked if skunkworks physically and operationally separated
> from the older, larger organization can succeed in teaching the old
> organization new behaviors and processes.

Well! it certainly did in the case of Barings Bank. A slightly older
company than the one under discussion. Their Far Eastern operation had
some interesting affects on the main business. It certainly produced lots
of new behaviours and processes.

I must say that the corporate governance of this 100 year old company is
interesting. If it allows for one leader to setup a skunkworks, how many
others have done likewise? What liabilities have been incurred by

Roy Benford
Fulmer, UK


Roy Benford <roy@benford.demon.co.uk>

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