Attending to what is measured LO21471

Eugene Taurman (
Mon, 03 May 1999 10:43:24 -0500

Replying to LO21460 --

"Without a deadline, baby, I wouldn't do nothing."
Duke Ellington

Eli Goldratt said something about 'Tell what you are going to measure And
i will tell two I will behave.

Conway said "Attitude is caused by what management does and does not act


>Does anyone know the source of the quote that goes something like:
> "People pay attention to what is measured." or,
> "We tend to notice what we measure."
>George 'jorge' Bartow

Eugene Taurman
interLinx Consulting

If a company values anything more than its' customer, it will lose the
The irony of that, if it is profitability, market share, security, teams,
learning or philanthropy that it values more it will lose the opportunity
for these too.


Eugene Taurman <>

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