Mission, vision, values and website LO21648

Eugene Taurman (ilx@execpc.com)
Mon, 17 May 1999 09:35:53 -0500

Replying to LO21636 --

At 12:35 PM 5/14/99 -0700, Max asked about comments of vision:

>I have three points that I would like to ask for more information from you
>and others.

> 2. In the answers to the question about the mission statement, I detected
>in several answers a partial attitude, that the CEO, or the management,
>etc, are sort of incapable and not to be trusted with this question. I
>wonder if I got that right, andf so, if you could say more about it. I
>have in my work come to believe, that the moment I feel this about a
>particular leadership group, they will feel it, too, consciously or
>unconsciously, and we will end up having an open or covert battle over who
>knows more. I wonder if you ever experience something like this, and if
>yes, how you use it in your facilitation.

All too often top management causes this attitude. They want to hire it
done. They want it to be handled. And they hire people to do it for them
either outside or make departments in the company.

But they seem to forget, they set the vision and mission with the
questions they asked and the agendas they prepare. If these are out line
with the vision professionally prepared statement they have ask for then
they are set up to violate one of Deming's 14 points. They turn the writer
or department into a walking talking slogan and the vision statement is
nothing more than a poster.

This happens so often it is no wonder we see the bitterness creep into the

Eugene Taurman
interLinx Consulting

If a company values anything more than its' customer, it will lose the
The irony of that, if it is profitability, market share, security, teams,
learning or philanthropy that it values more it will lose the opportunity
for these too.


Eugene Taurman <ilx@execpc.com>

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