Question asking in the workplace LO21756
Thu, 27 May 1999 10:36:45 +0100

Replying to LO21736 --

Response to LO21736
Question asking in the workplace

Dear Andrew,

Not for a moment do I claim my company as a learning
organization, however it is a workplace so I'll list a few
of the common questions asked here. Note that I operate in
a project-oriented environment (as opposed to day-to-day
operations or admin) so the questions necessarily reflect

* how will this project grow or move the business forward
(addressed in the business case that hopefully describes and
accompanies the initial idea)

* if this project were considered succdessful, what
outcomes would you expect to see (helps to evaluate the

* how is the project progressing against internal and
external measures (budget, timeframe, customer expectations,
the fluid environment of the organization and system
surrounding it)

* what additional support might be needed, and where (of
prime important in longer projects, where the attention span
wanes and projects may become orphans)

* what can we learn from the events and outcomes of this
project that will help us in the future (normally asked
during project post-mortems)

This is by no means an exhaustive list nor does it cover all
aspects of questioning. Hopefully it will provide a
framework of the categories of questions that are usually
asked. My apologies if the response is not congruent with
the intended theme, this is from the workplace, not
necessarily the thinkplace.


Ryder Jones


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