What is leadership? LO22097

Richard Charles Holloway (learnshops@thresholds.com)
Mon, 5 Jul 1999 20:18:15 -0700

Replying to LO22090 --

I'm sorry...I cannot accept this continuing line of conversation that
considers Hitler (or any of the other handful of political thugs we've
seen this century, who modeled all that is evil and malevolent in
mankind), as being great or good or even just in bad taste.

Hitler had an evil genius. He was responsible for murdering tens of
millions of people...consciously and purposefully.

Many people seem to mistake thuggery for leadership (for those of you who
don't know, Hitler was never voted into office by a majority of
people...he bullied and intimidated his way into a political role...and
his henchmen effectively silenced everyone who would speak against him.
The most terrible thing is that he attracted the evil spirit in so many
people who saw an advantage or benefit in espousing hatred for people
because of their ethnic or historical antecedents.

I find it amazing that Hitler's name even occurs in a thread on
leadership. Stalin, Pol Pot, Idi Amin and the many despots who have
murdered their way into power throughout this world are not and should not
be considered as leaders except by those who would deign to follow them.
I don't believe that there's anyone who subscribes to this list who would
consider themselves as a follower of these evil people.


"A mind once stretched by a great idea or new understanding will never fully
return to its original dimensions." --William James

Richard Charles Holloway -
P.O. Box 2361, Olympia, WA 98507 USA Telephone 253.539.4014 or 206.568.7730
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"Richard Charles Holloway" <learnshops@thresholds.com>

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