Appreciative Inquiry LO22469 -Workshop, Seattle, WA, Oct 1999
Fri, 20 Aug 1999 16:17:26 EDT

Theory, Practice and the Emerging Paradigm
October 17-22, 1999, Seattle, Washington

Workshop Leaders:
Bernard Mohr & Barbara Sloan

Develop skill in one of the newest approaches in cutting edge
organizational performance and learning. Appreciative Inquiry is a
wellness model that helps organizations to bring about their desired
future by identifying the core factors needed, next by discovering and
appreciating all of the elements that support those factors, and then by
fostering creative ways to make those factors even more prevalent. This
powerful process of Appreciative Inquiry supports and energizes
organizations in transforming themselves. Consultants and Organizational
Leaders will learn how to apply the Appreciative Inquiry approach to
organizational performance and learning in their practice and
organizations in this comprehensive, hands-on workshop. Come study this
exciting new paradigm with master practitioners.

Barbara Sloan and Bernard Mohr have facilitated this workshop over the
past five years and have developed an experience based model that prepares
consultants to work with AI in client systems and shows organizational
leaders and managers how to use AI for working with organization change.
Mohr's book Appreciative Inquiry: Change at the Speed of Imagination,
co-authored with Jane Magruder Watkins, will be published next fall, 2000
by Jossey-Bass.

This six day intensive training will be help on the campus of the
University of Washington in Seattle. The $1500 fee ($1350 early bird)
includes breakfast, lunch, snacks and two dinners. (Inquire about
non-profit, student or multiple registrant discounts.) We hope you will
join us and pass this information along to friends and colleagues who
might be interested! We'll see you in Seattle!

To register or for more information, contact: or phone:


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