"Intro -- Leena Patel" LO23210

Fri, 12 Nov 1999 15:36:02 BST

Hello all,

I am in my final year at the University of York studying a degree in
Information Technology, Business Management & Language. I have just
returned from an industrial placement year at Philips where I spent some
time developing their Intranet system. Consequently the area of my final
year project is "The Role of Intranet Technologies within Learning
Organisations". I am researching into whether Intranets can play a
supporting role to Learning Organisations. I have chosen this specific
area as I feel that it is fairly under-researched, please correct me if I
am wrong, and I have come across very few articles linking the two aspects

I have read the article, "Groupware & Organizational Learning", presented
by our host, Richard Karash, and there are many aspects that I have found
of fundamental interest. Particularly so in the areas of communication,
co-operation and sharing that an Intranet can facilitate within Learning
Organisations. Are there any other areas that people are aware of in which
an Intranet system can support Learning Organisations? Are there any
members who are part of organisations in which Intranets are used for
increasing and accelerating learning?

[Host's Note: The article "Groupware & Organizational Learning" is on the
web on my personal page http://world.std.com/~rkarash ..Rick]

I am at present working on a conceptual framework for building a Learning
Organisation, using the theories given in Garvin's article "Building A
Learning Organization" (Harvard Business Review, July- August 1993) and
Senge's "The Fifth Discipline Fieldbook". Combined with this I am trying
to measure the ability of an Intranet System to support Learning
Organisations through the use of performance indicators. Does anybody have
any experience or ideas of the best way to accomplish this? Are there any
members working in organisations that have set criterion for their
Intranet so that the system can help to maximise learning?

Final request: As part of my project I will shortly be distributing a
postal questionnaire to organisations to investigate how their Intranet
systems are being used to support learning and the move towards building a
learning organisation. I would be grateful if there are any members who
could complete my questionnaire, please could you contact me directly. If
anyone is interested in the result of this survey or my report I would be
happy to send them a copy.

I look forward to participating in some discussion and reading the
responses to my questions.

Leena Patel


Leena Patel
Department of Computer Science
University of York
YO10 5DD
Email: LP116@cs.york.ac.uk



Learning-org -- Hosted by Rick Karash <rkarash@karash.com> Public Dialog on Learning Organizations -- <http://www.learning-org.com>