Instrument for Systems Thinking Inclination LO23239
Mon, 15 Nov 1999 17:45:58 EST

Replying to LO23217 --

We have been here before.... but here goes...

Brian wrote,

>The Myers-Briggs (a type preference indicator) indicates those inclined to
>think in terms of systems, the big picture, the long-term, etc. INTP and
>INTJ (my wife and I) are two such.

I have found that any "NT" temperament (i.e., INTP, INTJ, ENTJ & INTJ)
tend to prefer "big picture" thinking. I have also found that the "xSxJ"
temperaments have more trouble "seeing" the value of system thinking. It
doesn't mean they can't apply themselves to it but they "prefer" the
listing of steps and short term objectives.

Be very careful to use such tools as only an indicator of temperament....
the hardware. The personality also contains the character which is the
"software" and interacts with temperament to form personality.

See website for an
online Keirsey Temperament Sorter.

take care,
Chuck Wallace


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