Instrument for Systems Thinking Inclination LO23253

Thu, 18 Nov 1999 10:10:43 +530

Replying to LO23236 --

"Roy Benford" <> wrote:

> What sort of knowledge is generated by this process of applying
> instruments to human beings categorise them into system thinkers and
> non-system thinkers?

My guess: The following types of knowledge might be generated in the

1. Whether it is possible to make such a categorisation to support some
practical task (e.g., employee selection, training need assessment, task
allocation, career planning, psychotherapy, etc.)

2. If it is not possible always, whether new ways of accomplishing such
practical tasks might be developed.

3. If it is possible, how difficult it is, how long it takes, what
instructions might have to be given to the catagorisers and the
catagorised, what accessories might be useful in the process, etc.

4. Whether there is a market for such instruments and accessories or
whether there are other commercial opportunities (e.g., by providing
consuting services through a world association of A1- rated systems

I think it is possible to lose patience over such categorisation.
However, the paradox is that the practical world seems to require new
categorisations from time to time (perhaps because old categorisations are
getting quickly exhausted!).



Prof. D. P. Dash
Xavier Institute of Management
Bhubaneswar 751013
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