Entropy production in the spiritual world LO23279

Barry Mallis (bmallis@markem.com)
Fri, 19 Nov 1999 09:00:06 -0500

Replying to LO23262 --

After a long hiatus from the days when the LO postings were at the hundred
number level, I return to the list to find fantastic discussions abounding
with a titration of human feeling well beyond my personal recollection.

To At's unfolding I react with this anecdote which you may recall.

In a 2-D world located on a single geometric plane, there lived a
civilization of dots. These went about their business over time. One day,
through some quirk which even today know one understands, a dot jumped
above the plane of its existence, off the surface, into space above where
suddenly, albeit too briefly there was revealed a third dimension.

Upon returning to its plane of existence, this dot scurried everywhere,
stopping everydot, relating breathlessly the experience which had arisen.
Everydot was not amused; such experience was beyond their ken.

A long time after, the dot who flew, but who had languished, heard a
commotion nearby. Indeed, another dot had flown--and was whirling among
the others with the report. Once again, the news fell of deaf dots. Yet,
yet, in the time that came, several more had the experience, so that
before long the existence of the 3rd dimension was well-known and

Journeys were planned, excursions completed, colonies constructed in time
and space. The realm of the dots became a certain music of spheres. And
then, one day, a sphere appeared excited in the midst of the others with
news of a deep, strange and expansive experience....


[Host's Note: Welcome back, Barry! ..Rick]


Barry Mallis, Manager - Training and Development MARKEM Corporation www.markem.com | email: bmallis@markem.com voice: 603 357-4255 ext. 2578 | FAX: 603 352-0525

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