Dialog, Discussion, Debate LO23304

21 Nov 99 21:12:47 +0800

Replying to LO23287 --

Dear Organlearners,

AM de Lange <amdelange@gold.up.ac.za> whites:

>If we consider "forward to steel, concrete and plastic" and "back to the
>bush" as the two ways and a mixture of the two as a third way, I have to
>stress that we have to seek a fourth way. This fourth way is for me the
>true African Renaissance, the one of which almost all people in Africa is
>dreaming about. But so long as they do not seek the fourth way, this
>African Renaissance will remain but a dream.

On my opinion, the fourth way is the only way feasible. I do not know much
more about African history and African culture, but I know something in
Chinese history and I believe a true Chinese Renaissance is the only way
feasible for China.

The Western culture have been destroying Chinese culture for about two
hundred years as well. I do not think that is the the fault of the western
culture, but the fault of Chinese culture itself, for there had been some
deviation from genius Confucianism.

>From the perspective of Confucianism, all kinds of ideologies can be
concluded to three perspectives: the perspective of Philosopher Young, the
perspective Philosopher Mo and Confucianism; the former two perspectives
will definitely lead the world to a chaos. Following their teaching,
"there must the the situation that man eats man one thousand years later",
a philosopher wrote.

The influence of both Philosopher Young and Philosopher Mo disappeared
before the Han Dynasty. After the Tang Dynasty, Taoism and Buddhism are
two influential ideologies; Confucianism, Taoism and Buddhism were named
"The Three Religions".

Neo-Confucianism, appeared during the debates between Confucianists and
Buddhists as well as Taoists. The neo-Confucianists did not know the
difference between Confucianism and the perspectives of Young and Mo well
and truly. That is the deviation from genius Confucianism.

If my understanding is correct, the perspective of Philosopher Young is
something similar to the "dassein" and the perspective of Philosopher
similar to the "mitsein". Tao, what Confucianism persist, is some kind of
harmony, which is not a compromise, but a different perspective and guide
for action.

Best regards,

Alexander Chiang <chiang@hope.hit.edu.cn>



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