Recognizing the world LO23416

Rick Parkany (
Sun, 28 Nov 1999 12:50:25 -0500

Replying to LO23337 --

I take the liberty, after corresponding through Rick (K) w/Arun, to repost
this reply to another Bhuddist insight that Arun posted on his list,
edresource (see trailers below for details on subscriptions, thereto).
I've added a few interstitial remarks in between in order to make this
post coherent w/Vox's reply to Arun that was posted to this list on 23 Nov
99 and to which I now further respond... ;-} rap.

Arun-Kumar Tripathi wrote (to edresource list):

> Hello Everybody,
> --Some thoughts--
> This universe is a trinity and this is made of name, form, and
> action.
> The source of all names is the word, for it is by the word that all
> names
> are spoken. The word is behind all names, even as the Eternal is
> behind
> the word. ----Upanishads (c. B.C. 800)
> Sincerely
> Arun Tripathi

Rick Parkany wrote in Reply to Arun:

> Arun: sounds like an isomorphism exists between the Upanishads &
> Christology:
> *In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, ...* St.
> Paul
> Father -- Name
> Son -- Form
> Holy Spirit -- Action
> Bless you... ;-} rap.

The connection in these threads across these two lists (learning-org &
edresource) is that of Pauline Christology and Bhuddist speculation. WRT
Teillard DeChardin's insights, I speculated that when the SIZE of the WEB
reaches size 6, THIS will be the blossoming of the First Fruits of this
Noosphere: The Pauline *Parousia* (and the passage in Mark which states:
*This generation will not end until allthings have come to pass...) of
which Teillard spoke and referenced so much in his writings...

I have speculated elsewhere, and Arun has read me when I did, as follows:
When we are all connected to w/i 6 links [or analogically equivalent
as-yet unknown coding hyper-structures] in hyper-space, down from the
present size of 19-21 (size estimates for the next decade, at least,
according to physicists studying to determine the maximum number of links
separating one WEBsite from another [aka *degrees of separation*]), we
will be socio-virtually an organic culture.

NOTE: The present size of the socio-cultural sphere is size 6; that
is, we are separated from each other by no more than *Six Degrees of

Here is the reference that I had posted for Arun's consideration regarding
the metric that measures the diameter of the WWW:

...the DIAMETER of the Internet is calculated to be no more than
19 URL links.
Physicists calculated that even if its size were expanded 1000
times, the diameter
would only increase by 2 links (assumming present
infratstructure, technology, etc.
in a linear projection)! This is a similar metric to the old
party gag *Six Degrees
of Separation* that postulates that no one on the planet is more
than 6
acquaintances away from anyone else in social space. This means,
to me, that when
the infrastructure and technology permit it, the Parousia (after
St. John &
Tellard DeChardin) will occur when the internet shrinks to size 6
in its diameter.
This is when the noosphere will give birth to the next highest
order of being for
this planet, a time in which all present contradictions and
irreconcilables will
have been synthesized and brought together in a new harmony of
the ages--when this
sphere we call the planet Earth will shrink back upon itself as
one point source of
conscious force in the universe.

I'll keep in touch. So far as the next in that thread, I wrapped back to
it by the following post from our list (see below, next), of late. Isn't
this WEB truly a well knit one? ;-} rap

Rick spoke, Replying to LO23320 --

I don't now, Arun--call me spiritually lacking and logically challenged,

I've always considered these ruminations of this great man, The Bhudda,
somewhat *elusive*. If ALL is illusion, NOTHING real, why not get on
w/things since the *real/illusion* dichotomy is illusory and one that
doesn't exist, either.

In the West, near the same time, we have Heraclitus saying, *You can't put
your foot into the SAME river twice* (becoming [aka *Nothing* IS) and we
have Parmenides saying *Being is, Non-being is not and cannot be thought.*

Now, for my ilk, we need mystery to unravel these logical impasses.
Consequently, I consider such:

*Three is the first number, since one cannot be thought of absent from

another and the two can be considered at once to be three-in-one.*
Therefore, we're back to your trinity which is the arational way out of
this conundrum of the Bhudda--ergo, St. Paul and the concept of
Parousia--*The Fullness of Time*, when all Things will be subjected to The
One and reintegrated into wholeness, q.e.d.... ;-} rap.

"Dein Wachstum sei feste und lache vor Lust!
Deines Herzens Trefflichkeit / hat dir selbst das Feld bereit',
auf dem du bluehen musst." Peasant, Richard A. Parkany: SUNY@Albany
Prometheus Educational Services -
Upper Hudson & Mohawk Valleys; New York State, USA

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