Profit motive vs. LO LO23638
Wed, 15 Dec 1999 19:25:58 -0600

Replying to LO23609 --

On 14 Dec 99, at 8:46, Philip Pogson wrote:

> Thus, when I read some of the posts claiming a particularly high worth for
> profit as a primary indicator of organisational AND individual
> performance, I can only interpret these comments through my cultural
> filters.

Phil, I don't see anyone championing profit motive as the sole motivating
force ideal (although one could, I suppose), but perhaps I missed those.
What I saw is one or two people putting forth the thesis that profit
motive is bad, destructive and damaging, and the ensueing conversation to
draw those people's assumptions and beliefs out so they can be discussed.

> And these filters tend towards looking to the good of the
> collective (the whole of society) first, and the individual person and
> company second.

The argument that capitalists, free marketteers and profit motive
supporters make is that it is those processes that actually are the BEST
ways of seeing to the collective well being, through the application of
market forces and competition. (I'm not saying I agree with that
position), but I think it is at minimum a viable hypothesis given the
problems of other systems.

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