Universal Sharing & Teilhard de Chardin LO23669

Arun-Kumar Tripathi (tripathi@statistik.uni-dortmund.de)
Sat, 11 Dec 1999 20:45:59 +0100 (MET)

Replying to LO23417 --

Greetings Org Learners,

Sometimes back, I have posted a message about universal sharing phenomenon
and Noosphere of Teilhard de Chardin..including some sites as references,
but now from those sites, some are not working, that's why I have
collected some more sites, after a deep-gracious surfing regarding his
work and research..

The Human Phenomenon --published in English under the mis-translated title
"The Phenomenon of Man" by Teilhard de Chardin is at

[From the article:-]
Evolution= Rise of Consciousness
Rise of Consciousness= Union Effected

Pierre Teilhard de Chardin Faith: Toward a Science Charged with Faith
about de Chardin from Chapter 3 of God and Science written by Charles P.
Henderson which is available at <http://www.crosscurrents.org/godand.htm>
& The article can be read at <http://www.crosscurrents.org/chardin.htm>

The Phenomenon of Pierre Teilhard de Chardin is available at
In this article, Author has discussed, How Teilhard de Chardin has
presented a dynamic responses of the questions such as Are science and
theology reconcilable in terms of evolution?

Teilhard de Chardin's Evolutionary Philosophy can be read
at <http://www.kheper.auz.com/topics/Teilhard/Teilhard-evolution.htm>

Regarding *Gaia* and *Consciousness*, can be read
at <http://www.kheper.auz.com/gaia/consciousness/index.html>
[From the article:....Consciousness represents the inward or 'within'
faculty of Gaia, as opposed to the outward or 'without' or organo-physical

It's Great..Two Great Ends are compared..Teilhard and Sri Aurobindo
compared, can be read at
[From the article:....Teilhard and Sri Aurobindo both see evolution as a
collective progression through particular levels: Matter, Life and Mind,
or Biosphere, and Noosphere. Both agree that this evolution is not yet

According to Teilhard, "The organisation of human energy, taken as a
whole..pushes us towards the ultimate formation, over and above each
personal element, of a common sould of humanity" [from Human Energy,

Likewise, according to Sir Aurobindo, "..The individual must be the
instrument and first field of the transformation; but an isolated
individual transformation is not enough.." [from The Life Divine, p.962]

Please enjoy the Universal Sharing and Web of Consciousness!
Arun K. Tripathi

[Host's Note: I've verified most of the links above. ..Rick]


Arun-Kumar Tripathi <tripathi@statistik.uni-dortmund.de>

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