Audio Visuals, Mind Mapping LO24423

From: Jan Lelie (
Date: 04/23/00

Replying to LO24402 --

Hello Michael,

I use Mind Mapping together with our tool for group decision support
called Mind@TeamWork. Basically we ask participant to a meeting to enter
their ideas, thoughts, facts, feelings on electronic "charts" of about two
lines each. These lists can be shared on-line. Also the participants can
work on one or a number of questions or items at the same time. The ideas
can be shared, reading from the screen, so participants can be inspired by
the other ideas, add on, build. We can also send creativity stimulating
messages. DURING the brainstorm we print the ideas on coloured cards.
After the "flood of ideas" we invite the participants to order, map, use
these ideas to create a structure, matrix and one of the ways to do it is
to create a Mind Map, with, for instance, the theme (like "our company in
2006") in the centre and creating branches and leaves, adding figures,
drawing arrows and relations. The textual part of the report can be
generated from our tool

We have used this method in a number of cases, like SWOT, Visioning,
design web-sites, customer relations, quality problems, business proces
redesign, performance indicators, joint ventures, action planning,
innovation processes , with a profit and not-for-profit organisations, you
name. Most of these cases i've descibed and we also have a training in the
use of the tool. I want to mention espacially Square Wheels by Scott
Simmerman, which is often a nice way to introduce a subject through a

For making an individual Mind Map i use The Brain by Natrificial. We're
currently developing looking wether we can create our own reports from a
session using this tool, down loading the ideas and clusters from our tool
into The Brain.

We have a web site, but it is in Dutch and in a terrible state, because
while redesigning it my computer broke down and all sorts of trouble.
Mind@TeamWork however is also available in English.

When you have specific questions, please drop me a line.

kind regards,

Jan Lelie

AH TOW wrote:

> I am a research scholar and I got your site from a friend .I am currently
> working on two resaerch themes;
> -[1] in education,a critical analysis of the use of audiovisuals in
> teaching, economics education'
> -[2] how to use mind mapping to identify practical issues associated with
> a decision mking framework in the real business conditions ?
> I will appreciate if you could help to sort out thses two issues.Are there
> materials on your site which deals with them?
> "AH TOW" <>

Drs J.C. Lelie CPIM (Jan)
LOGISENS  - Sparring Partner in Logistical Development
Mind@Work - est. 1998 - Group Decision Process Support
Tel.: (+ 31) (0)70 3243475 or car: (+ 31)(0)65 4685114 and/or
taoSystems: + 31 (0)30 6377973 -

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