Systems Thinking Materials LO24533

From: Janice Molloy (
Date: 05/02/00

Replying to LO24487 --

Mark Testa asked:

>I'm conducting a one and a half day seminar on systems thinking. I was
>wondering if anyone knew where I could find videos, simulations and/or
>materials that relate to systems thinking?

For the past ten years, Pegasus Communications has created and/or
distributed a wealth of material on systems thinking, including workbooks,
newsletters, and other printed resources; video- and audiotapes from our
conferences; and management flight simulators and other software packages.
Our redesigned Web site is scheduled for launch in a couple of weeks
(; in the meantime, I would be happy to send you
a catalogue of our resources. You might be interested to know that Daniel
H. Kim, one of the company's co-founders, is renowned for his systems
thinking expertise and his role in developing the field.

Best regards,

[Host's Note: I'm pleased to recommend Pegasus' materials. I've been
involved in authoring a few items in their collection. ..Rick]


Janice Molloy ( Managing Editor, THE SYSTEMS THINKER and LEVERAGE Pegasus Communications, Inc. Hold the date for the tenth annual Systems Thinking in Action Conference Managing Organizational Complexity October 23-25, 2000, San Diego, CA

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